Nostalgia Yu Guangzhong When I was young, Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp, Me on this side, Mother on the other side. When I grew up, Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket, Me on this side, Bride on the other side. But later on, Nostalgia was a lowly grave, Me on the...
Imagine a person traveling in infinite time and space, seeing all the inventions and creations of human beings from ancient times to the present, surreal, showing...
a kid-friendly drawing of a young boy sitting by the magical river in the enchanted forest, listening intently to the soft melody of the water, with the surrounding nature, such as trees and birds, creating a peaceful and serene...
Marc Chagall’s La Tour Eiffel captures the romantic ambiance of the famous landmark with bright primary colors and ethereal strokes of paint. The vibrancy of the painting captures the beauty of the monument and its...
A tranquil and slightly gloomy part of the series featuring a Korean Baepsae. There is a common idiom/saying: ‘the Baepsae will break its legs trying to walk like a stork’, which, in its simplest form, means pretending to be something you are...